Allaahu Akbar ... Franklin, Wellcomeee In Islam

Red Tulip ... It's Surprise! Check it out, please. :) Hikaaa ka ka ka ka + Hika pangkat tiga= Hikaaa tak terhingga Hasil akhir= Subhanallaah walhamdulillaah walaailaaha illallaahu Allaahu Akbar walaahaula walaaquwwata illabillaahil'aliyyil'adhiim


Dear Nohara,

Assalamu'alaykum, Nohara! Hello, how are you? I'm Franklin. Do you still remember me? Yes, it was me. A boy that sent you an egg ... When you were mengaji? O.K, so I write this one, because of I know that you are here.

And, I hava a big surprise for you. :)

I'm a moslem now. Exactly, last month, in Amsterdam Euromuslim Moshque, I read Syahadatain ... Ustadz Syatori condacted me. Alhamdulillaah.

But you have to know one: You may confuse me to marry me. Because of I take Islam as my religiion not because of you. But, Allaah. Allaah, Allaah, Allaah.

Buuut, thank you very much! Because of know you and listen to your voices in every time you read Al-Qur'an so I falled in love with Islam. How beautifull is Islam. And how wonderfull!

So, good luck for everything. Sorry for leaving this letter under the door. I won't meet you. Allah doesn't permit us to do it.

And don't be affraid! It's my last time here.

Tomorrow I'll go to New York and stay there for along time? I don't know yet. Just telling you, that I'm not in Holland any more.

I always pray the best for you. Many Moslem love you, sure! Haha.

So, tell me when you get a marry. Allright ... You can look for my address in MEA Jama'ah List.

Faithfully, Franklin

Assalamu'alaykum, Nohara!


Red Tulip, really speechless Alhamdulillaah, Franklin sudah masuk Islam. Allaah menyelamatkannya. Bismillaah. Semoga istiqamah. Aamiin.

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